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Philip Benson

Philip Benson

University of Sheffield


Philip Benson was Professor of Orthodontics at the University of Sheffield until his retirement in 2021 and is now an Emeritus Professor. He collaborated with colleagues in psychology, sociology and Dental Public Health to investigate the oral health-related quality of life of young people with malocclusion and to develop patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to measure the impact of malocclusion (MIQ) and orthodontic treatment (OTIQ) on young peoples’ everyday lives. This has involved the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. He is also interested in evaluating the effectiveness of contemporary orthodontic techniques and practice, particularly in the use of validated patient-reported outcome measures in clinical trials. He is principal or co-author on five systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library and has planned, coordinated and completed several randomised controlled clinical trials.


“When I smile I cover my teeth with my hand” – the impact of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment on young people



To develop and deliver an effective healthcare intervention it is important to understand the patients’ experiences of the condition and its treatment. Methods to assess the patient-reported impacts of malocclusion and orthodontic appliances have been developed, which can be used to investigate and evaluate the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.

Aim of this talk:

To explain our current knowledge and understanding of malocclusion and the treatment of malocclusion from the viewpoint of young people.


  • To describe some methods of assessing the social and emotional impact of malocclusion with young people;
  • Summarise recent research into the effect of orthodontic treatment on social and emotional well-being;
  • Briefly discuss the effect of orthodontic treatment on psychological well-being

Learning Objectives

  • Identify some validated instruments to measure social well-being in young people;
  • Recognise the importance of using appropriate patient-report outcomes to assess the effectiveness of orthodontic treatments.